How to Find Inspiration for Music

How to Find Inspiration for Music

Just like the A train in New York City, musical inspiration can be an elusive thing. Sometimes it’s there, sometimes it’s not, and you never know when it will strike again. It can be frustrating when you fire up your DAW or open your songwriting notebook, only to feel completely uninspired. Or worse, you start something new and lose inspiration before finishing.

Everyone experiences this lack of inspiration from time to time (or more often), so don’t despair! In this article, we will explore how to get your creative juices flowing and what strategies can help make the creative process smoother.

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What is Inspiration?

When we think of inspiration, we often picture it coming out of nowhere or being struck by a muse. In reality, inspiration is the excitement you feel when you discover something new, whether it’s a sample pack that excites you or a new way of looking at the world.

We’re creatures of habit, and it’s easy to get stuck in old patterns and routines that don’t allow for new ideas. So, if you’re feeling uninspired, embark on a journey of discovery and allow yourself to be inspired.

Ways to Find Musical Inspiration

Here are some ideas to spark your creativity:

Listen to Music

Inspiration can often be found in other music.

  • Explore Different Genres: A great way to find musical inspiration is by seeking out new musical horizons. Many producers are most innovative when they blend aspects of different styles. Be proactive with this idea; create a Spotify playlist of new music for days when you need a boost. Get recommendations from friends and check out what music bloggers are writing about.
  • Pay Attention to Other Artists: Listen closely to artists within your genre and be inspired by the production techniques they use.
  • Attend Live Performances: Sometimes, watching another artist perform live can be refreshing. Not only can you draw inspiration from the performance itself, but you can also observe how the audience reacts and discover new music.

Revisit Unfinished Tracks

You might surprise yourself by finding inspiration in your own music. Go back and listen to any unfinished songs scattered on your hard drive to see if anything sparks your creativity. It’s also helpful to have a “Big Mr. Potato Head Bin,” as Deadmau5 calls it—a folder where you keep snippets of ideas to rescue you when inspiration is low.

Take a Break

Sometimes, the best way to feel inspired is to give your brain a break from making music.


Reading is important, period. But reading a book can also be a fantastic way for a music producer to find inspiration. Not sure what to read? Check your local library for recommendations in both fiction and nonfiction. If you’re looking for something specifically related to music production, try biographies of famous producers to see how others approach their creative work, or look for books on production techniques.

Watch a Movie

The same goes for watching great films. Check out classic movies to discover new stories and characters. The AFI list of the 100 Greatest American Films and Rolling Stone’s Top 100 Movies are good starting points.

Get Outside

Whether it’s the chirping of birds or the peaceful feeling of being surrounded by trees, a walk in the park might be just what you need to kick-start your creative process.

Go on a Trip

Break out of your routine and visit a place you’ve never been. This could be a café nearby, a neighboring town, or an entirely different country. Remember, inspiration is all about discovering new things. It doesn’t matter how far you go; what counts are the new personal experiences you gain.

Explore Other Art Forms

Don’t just read books and watch movies—draw inspiration from the arts as well. Visit museums and art galleries, attend experimental theater or ballet performances. On a tight budget? Street artists can also be a source of new inspiration.

Talk to Friends

A new perspective can often be a source of great ideas, so don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and chat a little. Friends who are musicians and producers are fantastic when you need to discuss something specific, like a melody that’s not working. But don’t forget your non-musical friends! They can often provide you with a new lens through which to view your own life.

Take a Shower

Some people swear by the power of the shower. They get their best inspiration when freshening up. A big part of this is allowing your subconscious to do the work while you focus on simple, almost automatic tasks. Clean and fresh, and then inspiration will flow.


Meditation doesn’t mean you have to sit in a field making “Ohm” sounds. It’s really about being still and observing your thoughts, letting them pass without judgment. The calming and relaxing nature of meditation could be just what you need to get back to making great music.

Change Your Creative Process

As a music producer, it’s easy to fall into a routine when making music. Sometimes, you just need a little variety to find inspiration.

Record Yourself Without an Agenda

Messing around without a goal in mind is one of the best ways to kick-start a stalled project. Open your DAW, hit record, and just play. Don’t edit yourself while you’re playing; just keep going. Once you’ve played through, save the session and let it rest for a while. Maybe one day you’ll come back and listen to it for a few ideas, or maybe not. Either way, you’ll have shaken the dust off your creativity.

Allow Yourself to Suck

As a songwriter, you want to make great music. But that doesn’t mean you have to create a masterpiece every day. If a track isn’t great, finish it anyway. Make it the worst piece you’ve ever done. Writing bad songs paves the way for great music.


Two heads are better than one, and collaborating with a peer can lead to fantastic musical inspiration. Whether you’re co-writing songs or having them play an instrumental role in a piece, adding another musical perspective will undoubtedly lead to new ideas.

Write in a Different Genre

Another way to find musical inspiration is to switch genres. If you mainly create dance music in your studio, try your hand at a rock song. If you’re an acoustic person, venture into electronic music production. It’s about stepping out of your comfort zone to have new experiences.

Go Through Your Presets

It’s rare for music producers to know their plugins inside and out. Instruments often come with hundreds or thousands of presets. Even if you enjoy creating your own sounds, take some time to browse the factory library. You might find something that’s perfect for your next track.

Grab Some New Sounds

Whether it’s a new sample pack or an instrument plugin, a new tool can often inspire you in the studio. If you’re on a tight budget, don’t worry—there are plenty of free options available!

Capture the World Around You

Have you ever really listened to the sounds of everyday life? Like, really paid attention? Next time you step out of the studio, open the voice recorder on your phone and hit record. You never know when you might catch an interesting rhythm from a shopping cart or get inspired by a snippet of conversation you overhear.

A solid voice recording app on your phone and a physical notebook are two essential tools for creativity and inspiration.

Use Found Sounds

Building on the last idea, record some random sounds on your phone, or better yet, use a handheld recorder like the Zoom H2-N. Don’t limit yourself to just “musical” sounds; a clunky exhaust can make a great backdrop for a new project with the right tools. Once you’re back in the studio, load the files into your sampler and unleash your creativity. Take it a step further and try reimagining an existing song using only found sounds. At the very least, it will stretch your music production skills to their limits and beyond.

Learn a New Skill

As a music producer, you wear many hats, and there’s always something new to learn. Not great at designing your own synthesizer sounds? Brush up on your synthesizer programming skills. Have you always been afraid of music theory? Dive in and learn how to create a new chord progression.

Set a Timer

Nothing beats a deadline, so set yourself a time limit for how long you want to work on a track. This works for both an entire song and its individual components. Take 15 minutes to figure out the chord progression, then move on to the drums, then the bass, and so on until you have a complete track. Challenge yourself to start and finish a song within a few hours. Write and produce an album in a month. Release 12 records in a year. Be crazy! By forcing yourself to make quick decisions, you’ll spend less time second-guessing yourself and more time creating.

Spruce Up Your Studio

Musical inspiration can also be found in your surroundings. Try giving your studio a fresh coat of paint, or browse thrift stores for cool furniture or artwork to give the space a new look. Simply cleaning up your workspace can also inspire you. Give it a try; your mom would be proud.

Write on an Instrument You Don’t Usually Use

I’m a pianist, and 99% of the music I write comes from the piano (okay, well, technically a keyboard). But when I get stuck, I pick up one of the stunt guitars lying around my studio and play around. This almost always leads to some form of musical inspiration (even if it doesn’t make it into the final mix). So experience the freedom of picking up an instrument you barely know. Don’t try to be good—just play.

Ask for Feedback

When making music, it’s easy to lose perspective and think that everything you do is either a) pure gold or b) a total waste. So if you’re feeling uninspired by a song you’re working on, get feedback from people you trust who can give you their honest opinion. You might gain one or two ideas to get the creative wheels turning again.


As a music producer, you have many options to find inspiration. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, and instead, let the process guide you. Remember, your creativity is always within you; it just takes a little exploration to bring it to the surface. Happy producing!

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